Misfortunes come in pairs. This is also the case with road incidents. In addition to damage to the car and health, the unpleasant news is an underestimated cost estimate or a calculation prepared by the insurance company. Most often we just wring our hands. However, not everyone knows that we have a chance to pay out full compensation, despite the passage of a long time since the accident. Individual court proceedings do not seem to be the optimal solution due to the time-consuming and high costs of the trial. It also exposes us to unnecessary stress. An effective form of assistance is the repurchase of OC claims in Poznań. It is possible to get a large amount of money in hand for an incident that happened in the last 3 years. The entire procedure takes place completely without intermediaries. Thanks to this, the sum we will get will be much higher. We don’t even have to leave the house. Without nerves and with minimal effort, our case will end positively.
Subsidies, repurchase and purchase of compensation Poznań – Conditions
Purchase of third party liability insurance is an alternative form of obtaining the money due to us to repair the damage. When the transfer from the insurance company is not enough to bring the vehicle to the condition before the collision, you should seek help from an expert. Better than bringing the institution to trial yourself. The condition for obtaining an additional payment for motor claims is the lack of a settlement with the insurance company. The customer does not bear any costs during the entire compensation repurchase process. The analysis of the cost estimate, the valuation of the additional payment for third party liability claims, as well as the preparation of the contract are completely free of charge. The subject of the repurchase applies only to the reduced part, which we should receive earlier for compensation for the car. The funds we received from the policy are also not at risk.
Purchase of claims Poznań versus expert assistance
The OCAC appraiser who purchases lower damages treats each case individually. We often wonder if it is worth acting further if the damage concerns our very old car. It doesn’t really matter. The same is true of the size of the damage. A broken mirror or a damaged chassis – any type of damage may be the subject of repurchase of third party liability insurance. When the driver decides that the payment he has received from the insurance company is nothing else than ‘minor’, contact an appraiser. We will receive extra money within a week. We can choose cash or transfer. Buying back the rights from motor vehicle damage is a legal process so we don’t have to worry about anything. Do you have any questions? Write or call! We are at your disposal. Our telephone number and e-mail address can be found in the contact tab.