The sums paid by the insurance company are not always sufficient to actually repair the damage. Then an appraiser who recovers OC claims of AC Gdańsk comes to the rescue. Through professional knowledge, he will get things done quickly and efficiently. You must know that we could not reach a settlement with the insurance institution before. Then the repurchase of third party liability will only be a dream. The repurchase does not involve any additional fees. The vast majority of services offered in this area by an expert is free of charge. It concerns activities in the field of cost estimate analysis or preparation of a contract. The repurchase of compensation Gdańsk covers the amount that the insurance company did not pay us or when the compensation was too low, although in fact we were entitled to it.
Purchase and repurchase of claims in Gdańsk is the optimal solution
Insurance companies, by lowering motor claims, contributed to the creation of the secondary market, dominated by appraisers. They offer the possibility to buy back the compensation or to pay for the compensation. When private access to court is out of reach, this may be our only way to obtain higher liability compensation, which we will use to liquidate the claim. Purchase of compensation Gdańsk means the sale of our rights to a specific company. There is a kind of division of the sum between the driver and the expert. It must be borne in mind that the appraiser does not have to inform us about the exact sum he won. The driver receives the percentage agreed on the basis of the contract.
In order to apply for subsidies for compensation, we must first collect the necessary documents. The most important of them is the decision to pay the compensation and the repair cost estimate sent by the insurance company. When these documents are lost in the pile of waste paper, let’s not get upset. The appraiser will ask for them to be sent again. You can receive additional money from the TPL subsidy within a week in the form of cash or bank transfer.
Can any damage be redeemed?
Not all damage can be sold. Polish law does not provide for the possibility of reselling the right to claim compensation for personal injury. But the communication damage caused by the perpetrator’s civil liability insurance, in addition, the one that has not been created for 3 years, may become a tasty morsel for institutions dealing with the purchase of compensation. There are no contraindications to sell the damage from autocasco insurance, but compensation companies definitely prefer to buy the liability insurance. In such cases, the pursuit of claims is not hindered by various exclusions of liability and other terms of the AC agreement.
If you have any questions, write a message!